
사이즈 비교
소득공제 수입
Stumbling on Happiness

Stumbling on Happiness

[ Hardcover, Rough-Cut Edition ] 바인딩 & 에디션 안내이동
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구매 시 참고사항


발행일 2006년 05월 02일
쪽수, 무게, 크기 277쪽 | 590g | 166*243*29mm
ISBN13 9781400042661
ISBN10 1400042666

책소개 책소개 보이기/감추기

저자 소개 관련자료 보이기/감추기

저자 : 대니얼 길버트 (Daniel Gilbert)
대니얼 길버트(Daniel Gilbert)는 현재 하버드 대학의 심리학과 교수로 재직 중이다. 노벨경제학상 수상자 대니얼 카너먼의 영향을 받은 그는 인간이 행복에 대해 어떻게 생각하는가를 수년간 연구해왔다. 그는 뛰어난 강의와 연구 업적으로 수많은 상을 수상하였다. 구겐하임 연구비(Guggenheim Fellowship)를 지원받았고, 심리학의 발전에 끼친 지대한 공로를 인정받아 미국심리학회(American Psychological Association)의 우수과학업적상(Distinguished Scientific Award)을 수상했다. 그의 연구 결과는 <뉴욕 타임스> <월 스트리트 저널> <포브스> <유에스 뉴스 & 월드 리포트> <뉴요커> <사이언티픽 아메리칸> <사이콜로지 투데이> 등 다양한 지면에 실렸다. 그가 가르치는 ‘긍정 심리학’ 강좌는 하버드대학에서도 가장 인기 있는 강의로 수백 명이 수강하고 있으며, 학기마다 수강신청에서 밀려나 안타까워하는 학생들이 많을 정도다. 현재 그는 자신의 부인, 애완동물과 함께 매사추세츠 주의 캠브리지에서 살고 있다.

관련자료 관련자료 보이기/감추기

Review Quotes:

"This is a psychological detective story about one of the great mysteries of our lives. If you have even the slightest curiosity about the human condition, you ought to read it. Trust me."
-Malcolm Gladwell

"Stumbling on Happiness" is an absolutely fantastic book that will shatter your most deeply held convictions about how your own mind works. Ceaselessly entertaining, Gilbert is the perfect guide to some of the most interesting psychological research ever performed. Think you know what makes you happy? You won't know for sure until you have read this book."
-Steven D. Levitt, author of "Freakonomics"

"In "Stumbling on Happiness," Daniel Gilbert shares his brilliant insights into our quirks of mind, and steers us toward happiness in the most delightful, engaging ways. If you stumble on this book, you're guaranteed many doses of joy."
-Daniel Goleman, author of "Emotional Intelligence"

"In a book that is as deep as it is delightful, Daniel Gilbert reveals the powerful and often surprising connections between our experience of happiness and how we think about the future. Drawing on cutting edge psychological research and his own sharp insights into everyday events, Gilbert manages to have considerable fun while expertly illuminating some of the most profound mysteries of the human mind. I confidently predict that your future will be happier if you read this pathbreaking volume."
-Daniel L. Schacter, Harvard University, author of "Searching for Memory" and "The Seven Sins of Memory"

"Everyone will enjoy reading this book, and some of us will wish we could have written it. You will rarely have a chance to learn so much about so important a topic while having so much fun."
-Daniel Kahneman, Princeton University, Winner of the 2002 Nobel Prize in Economics

"This is a brilliant book, a useful book, and a book that could quite possibly change the way you look atjust about everything. And as a bonus, Gilbert writes like a cross between Malcolm Gladwell and David Sedaris."
-Seth Godin, author of "All Marketers Are Liars"

"Gilbert's elbow-in-the-ribs social-science humor is actually funny . .. (but) underneath the goofball brilliance, Gilbert has a serious argument to make about why human beings are forever wrongly predicting what will make them happy."
-"The New York Times Book Review""

"A fascinating new book that explores our sometimes misguided attempts to find happiness."
-"Time Magazine"

"A leader in the burgeoning study of affective forecasting, Mr. Gilbert's new book . . . is already getting good reviews for its lucid explanations of the latest scientific research."
-"The Wall Street Journal"

"Gilbert's playful tone and use of commonplace examples render a potentially academic topic accessible and educational."
-"Publishers Weekly"

"Gilbert examines what sciences has discovered about how well the human brain can predict future enjoyment. . . . The ideas may be disconcerting, but they're backed by solid research and presented with persuasive charm and wit."
-"Kirkus Reviews""

"With some loopy humor, lively wit and panache, Gilbert explores why the most important decisions of our lives are so often made so poorly."
-"Kirkus Reviews 2006 Health & Living""

"Have you ever finished a book, then started right in reading it again from the start? Was it so satisfying you couldn't bear to let it end? Or so deep you couldn't understand parts until you read it over again? "Stumbling on Happiness" by Daniel Gilbert has both those qualities. . . . I learned a great deal from this book. . . . I predict you will be happy you read it. And you may even want to read it from the start again. I did."
-"Words on Books

"This book isbrilliant. . . . It's a book that will be talked about by people everywhere. Trust me on that."

"In "Stumbling on Happiness," Daniel Gilbert shares his brilliant insights into our quirks of mind, and steers us toward happiness in the most delightful, engaging ways. If you stumble on this book, you're guaranteed many doses of joy."
-Daniel Goleman, author of "Emotional Intelligence

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