책소개 책소개 보이기/감추기 호킨스 전기의 안내서.Hawkins Electrical Guide, Number One, by Nehemiah Hawkins호킨스의 전기 논문으로 전기에 대한 모든 것을 기록한책. 미국의 에디슨이 전기를 발견한후에 1914년도에 발달된 전기를 만든 안내 책자.Hawkins Electrical Guide, Number One Questions, Answers, & Illustrations, A Progressive Course of Study for Engineers, Electricians, Students and Those Desiring to acquire a Working Knowledge of Electricity and its Applications ? Author: Nehemiah Hawkins A PROGRESSIVE COURSE OF STUDY FOR ENGINEERS, ELECTRICIANS, STUDENTS AND THOSE DESIRING TO ACQUIRE A WORKING KNOWLEDGE OF ELECTRICITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS A PRACTICAL TREATISE by HAWKINS AND STAFF THEO. AUDEL & CO. 72 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK. COPYRIGHTED, 1914, BY THEO. AUDEL & CO., NEW YORK. Printed in the United States. 더보기
목차 목차 보이기/감추기 TABLE OF CONTENTS GUIDE NO. 1. INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER SIGNS AND SYMBOLS ELECTRICITY 1 to 4Nature and source―kinds of electricity: static, current, dynamic, radiated, positive, negative, atmospheric, frictional, resinous, vitreous. STATIC ELECTRICITY 5 to 26Electrical attraction and repulsion―the charge―distribution of the charge―free and bound electricity―conductors and insulators―electroscopes―gold leaf electroscope―electric screens―electrification by induction―nature of the induced charge―the electrophorus―condensers; Leyden jar―electric machines―action of Toepler- Holtz machine―Wimshurst machines.THE ELECTRIC CURRENT 27 to 34Volt―ampere―ohm―Ohm’s law―production of the electric current―current strength―voltage drop in an electric current. PRIMARY CELLS 35 to 67The word “battery”―action of cell―chemical changes; polarization―effects of polarization―methods of depolarization―depolarizers―depolarizer bag―Volta’s contact law―contact series of metals―laws of chemical action in cell―requirements of a good cell―single and two fluid cells―the Leclanche cell―Fuller bichromate cell―the Edison cell―Grenet bichromate cell―Daniell cell―directions for making a Daniell cell―gravity cells―Daniell gravity cell―so- called “ dry” cells―points relating to dry cells―care of cells―cleanliness―separating the elements―creeping―amalgamated zinc―battery connections. CONDUCTORS AND INSULATORS 68 to 74The so- called “ non- conductors” ―table of conductors and insulators―mode of transmission―effect of heat―heating effect of the current―insulators―impregnating compounds―water as a conductor. RESISTANCE AND CONDUCTIVITY 75 to 82Standard of resistance―conductivity of metals and liquids―effect of heat―laws of electrical resistance―conductivity―specific conductivity―divided circuits. ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL ENERGY 83 to 92Definitions: energy, matter, molecule, work, foot- pound, volt?coulomb, ampere- hour, power, horse power, watt, kilowatt, watt- hour―mechanical equivalent of heat―British thermal unit―electrical horse power―the farad. EFFECTS OF THE CURRENT 93 to 104Thermal effect―use of heat from the current―magnetic effect―chemical effect―electrolysis―electro- chemical series―electric osmose―electric distillation―muscular contractions―electroplating―electrotyping. MAGNETISM 105 to 124Two kinds of magnetism―nature of each―poles―magnetic field―magnetic force―magnetic circuit―magnetic flux―the Maxwell―the Gauss―magnetic effect of the current―corkscrew rule―solenoids―permeability―magnetic saturation―magnetomotive force―reluctance―analogy between electric and magnetic circuits―hystereses―residual magnetism. ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION 125 to 136Faraday’s discovery―Faraday’s machine―Faraday’s principle―line of force―induction of current―laws of electromagnetic induction―rules for direction of induced current―Fleming’s rule―Ampere’s rule―the palm rule―self- induction. INDUCTION COILS 137 to 154Self- induction―mutual induction―primary induction coils―secondary induction coils―plain secondary induction coils―secondary induction coils with vibrator and condenser; cycle of action―magnetic vibrators―vibrator adjustment―table of induction coil dimensions―table of sparking distances in air―points relating to induction coils―wiring diagram. THE DYNAMO 155 to 160Operation―essential parts―field magnets―armature―construction of dynamos―parts; bed plate, field magnets, armature, commutator, brushes. THE DYNAMO: BASIC PRINCIPLES 161 to 170Definitions―essential parts―elementary alternator―operation―direction of induced current―application of Fleming’s rule―cycle of operation―the sine curve; its construction and application. THE DYNAMO: CURRENT COMMUTATION 171 to 180How the current is produced―how direct current is obtained―the commutator―inductors―“ continuous current” ―action of four coil elementary dynamo―conditions for steadiness of the current.CLASSES OF DYNAMO 181 to 198Classification―bipolar and multi- polar dynamos―difference between dynamo and magneto―self- exciting dynamo―the series dynamo―regulation of series dynamo; difficulties experienced―the shunt dynamo―adaptation―operation―characteristic―regulation―the compound dynamo―service intended for―regulation―over compounding―usual degree of over compounding―short shunt―long shunt―voltage of short and long shunt machines―separately excited dynamos―Dobrowolski three wire dynamo.FIELD MAGNETS 199 to 220Object―essential parts―classes of field magnet―multi- polar field magnets―construction―choice of materials―design―pole pieces―eddy current―laminated fields―construction to reduce reluctance of the magnetic circuit―magnetizing coils―methods of winding―coil ends―insulation―attachment of coils―coil connections―heating―ventilation. 더보기