책소개 책소개 보이기/감추기 *도서: 셰익스피어 4대 비극 (Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth) - 고품격 시청각 영문판*저자: 셰익스피어(William Shakespeare)- 서울대(100권)/연세대(200권)/고려대 선정 추천도서!- SAT(미국대학위원회) 선정 101권 추천도서셰익스피어 4대 비극SHAKESPEAREAN TRAGEDY LECTURES ON1. HAMLET(햄릿)2. OTHELLO(오셀로)3. KING LEAR(리어 왕)4. MACBETH(맥베스)# 도서 특징 및 독서 대상1. 고품격 시청각(視聽覺) 전자책1) 고품격 원문 텍스트(TEXT) 제공2) 전 세계 자원 봉사자 참여한 '오디오 파일 다운로드' 방법 가이드 제공(LibriVox audiobook은 서비스 정책에 따라 오디오는 달라질 수 있음)2. 세계 '위대한 저서(책)' 엄선한 도서- 미국대학위원회(SAT)/서울대.연세대.고려대 추천도서 및 기타 목록 선별 더보기
목차 목차 보이기/감추기 1. HAMLETTHE TRAGEDY OF HAMLET, PRINCE OF DENMARKACT ISCENE I. Elsinore. A platform before the Castle.SCENE II. Elsinore. A room of state in the Castle.SCENE III. A room in Polonius’s house.SCENE IV. The platform.SCENE V. A more remote part of the Castle.ACT IISCENE I. A room in Polonius’s house.SCENE II. A room in the Castle.ACT IIISCENE I. A room in the Castle.SCENE II. A hall in the Castle.SCENE III. A room in the Castle.SCENE IV. Another room in the Castle.ACT IVSCENE I.. A room in the Castle.SCENE II.. Another room in the Castle.SCENE III.. Another room in the Castle.SCENE V. Elsinore. A room in the Castle.SCENE VI.. Another room in the Castle.SCENE VII. Another room in the Castle.ACT VSCENE I. A churchyard.SCENE II.. A hall in the Castle.>> 오디오 파일 다운로드 방법 가이드(안내)2. OTHELLOOTHELLO, THE MOOR OF VENICEACT ISCENE I. Venice. A street.SCENE II. Venice. Another street.SCENE III. Venice. A council chamber.ACT IISCENE I. A seaport in Cyprus. A Platform.SCENE II. A street.SCENE III. A Hall in the Castle.ACT IIISCENE I. Cyprus. Before the Castle.SCENE II. Cyprus. A Room in the Castle.SCENE III. Cyprus. The Garden of the Castle.SCENE IV. Cyprus. Before the Castle.ACT IVSCENE I.. Cyprus. Before the Castle.SCENE II.. Cyprus. A Room in the Castle.SCENE III. Cyprus.. Another Room in the Castle.ACT VSCENE I. Cyprus. A Street.SCENE II. Cyprus. A Bedchamber in the castle: Desdemona in bed asleep; a light burning.>> 오디오 파일 다운로드 방법 가이드(안내)3. KING LEARTHE TRAGEDY OF KING LEARACT I.SCENE I. A Room of State in King Lear’s Palace.SCENE II. A Hall in the Earl of Gloucester’s Castle.SCENE III. A Room in the Duke of Albany’s Palace.SCENE IV. A Hall in Albany’s Palace.SCENE V. Court before the Duke of Albany’s Palace.ACT II.SCENE I. A court within the Castle of the Earl of Gloucester.SCENE II. Before Gloucester’s Castle.SCENE III. The open Country.SCENE IV. Before Gloucester’s Castle; Kent in the stocks.ACT III.SCENE I. A Heath.SCENE II. Another part of the heath.SCENE III. A Room in Gloucester’s Castle.SCENE IV. A part of the Heath with a Hovel.SCENE V. A Room in Gloucester’s Castle.SCENE VI. A Chamber in a Farmhouse adjoining the Castle.SCENE VII. A Room in Gloucester’s Castle.ACT IV.Scene I. The heath.Scene II. Before the Duke of Albany's Palace.Scene III. The French camp near Dover.Scene IV. The French camp. A Tent.Scene V. Gloucester's Castle.Scene VI. The country near Dover.Scene VII. A tent in the French camp.ACT V.Scene I. The British camp near Dover.Scene II. A field between the two camps.Scene III. The British camp, near Dover.>> 오디오 파일 다운로드 방법 가이드(안내)4. MACBETHMACBETHACT I.SCENE I. An open Place. Thunder and Lightning.SCENE II. A Camp near Forres.SCENE III. A heath.SCENE IV. Forres. A Room in the Palace.SCENE V. Inverness. A Room in Macbeth's Castle.SCENE VI. The same. Before the Castle.SCENE VII. The same. A Lobby in the Castle.ACT II.SCENE I. Inverness. Court within the Castle.SCENE II. The same. Without the Castle.ACT III.SCENE I. Forres. A Room in the Palace.SCENE II. The same. Another Room in the Palace.SCENE III. The same. A Park or Lawn, with a gate leading to the Palace.SCENE IV. The same. A Room of state in the Palace. A banquet prepared.SCENE V. The heath.SCENE VI. Forres. A Room in the Palace.ACT IV.SCENE I. A dark Cave. In the middle, a Caldron Boiling.SCENE II. Fife. A Room in Macduff's Castle.SCENE III. England. Before the King's Palace.ACT V.SCENE I. Dunsinane. A Room in the Castle.SCENE II. The Country near Dunsinane.SCENE III. Dunsinane. A Room in the Castle.SCENE IV. Country nearDunsinane: a Wood in view.SCENE V. Dunsinane. Within the castle.SCENE VI. The same. A Plain before the Castle.SCENE VII. The same. Another part of the Plain.SCENE VIII. The same. Another part of the field.>> 오디오 파일 다운로드 방법 가이드(안내)판권 페이지 더보기