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법대로 사랑하라 2

임의정 대본집

리뷰 총점 9.3 (3건)
예술 대중문화 > 대중문화
크레마 PC(윈도우 - 4K 모니터 미지원) 아이폰 아이패드 안드로이드폰 안드로이드패드 전자책단말기(일부 기기 사용 불가) PC(Mac)

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회원리뷰 (1건) 회원리뷰 이동

종이책 구매 Feel closer to the drama 평점10점 | m********7 | 2022.12.30 리뷰제목
This scriptbook will make you feel closer to the drama, and you can feel more attach to the character. It is my first scriptbook but I love it. You can also pick a character and be the character as you like in interpreter the scene. The books it self are so pretty with the beautiful purple and pink that fit to the drama. The Law Cafe is full of a spring ambi
This scriptbook will make you feel closer to the drama, and you can feel more attach to the character. It is my first scriptbook but I love it. You can also pick a character and be the character as you like in interpreter the scene. The books it self are so pretty with the beautiful purple and pink that fit to the drama. The Law Cafe is full of a spring ambience, so it does fit with the color.
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한줄평 (2건) 한줄평 이동

총 평점 9.0점 9.0 / 10.0
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